Brazil Exports Beef to Us December 2017

Printing Release via U.S. Meat Export Federation

Calendar year 2017 was a tape-setter for U.S. beef exports, with values exceeding $7 billion for only the second time.

Beef exports totaled 2.8 billion pounds, up half-dozen percentage from 2016. This was the fourth-largest volume on record and the second-largest of the post-BSE era. Beef consign value reached $7.27 billion, up 15 per centum twelvemonth-over-year and 2 per centum above the previous high achieved in 2014 (to $7.thirteen billion).

For December only, beef consign value was upwards nine percent from a year agone to $672.9 million – the 2nd-highest of 2017 and the third-highest on record. December volume was down 3 percentage from a year agone to million pounds.

Beef exports accounted for 12.9 percentage of full production in 2017 and 10.4 per centum for muscle cuts, down from 13.7 percentage and 10.v percentage, respectively, in 2016. Beef consign value averaged $286.38 per head of fed slaughter, upwards 9 percent from 2016 and the second-highest on record, trailing only the $300.36 average posted in 2014.

Japan leads beefiness consign growth; value records fall in other primal markets

Japan solidified its position as the leading market for U.S. beef in 2017, with volume climbing xix percentage year-over-year to 678.1 million pounds and value up 25 percent to $1.89 billion – new post-BSE records. Chilled exports to Japan expanded even more chop-chop, reaching 327.8 meg pounds (up 32 percent) valued at $1.102 billion (up 37 percent) equally U.S. beef captured more than than one-half of Japan'southward imported chilled beef market – a new high for U.S. market place share. Nippon accounts for well-nigh $75 in export value per head of fed slaughter and delivers critical premiums for certain cuts. For example, Nihon's imports of U.Due south. beefiness tongue averaged $12.thirteen per head and $26.44 per caput for short plate.

The U.S. industry is marketing a wide range of beef cuts in Japan and the market holds potential for additional growth. But marketplace access is a business organization, with imports of Australian and Mexican beef bailiwick to significantly lower duties and beef from Commonwealth of australia, Canada, New Zealand and Mexico all poised to gain further tariff relief through the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Other 2017 beef consign highlights include:

  • Beefiness exports to Republic of korea increased three percent in volume (to 406 million pounds) and climbed 15 percent in value to $1.22 billion, easily outpacing the previous yr's record. Chilled U.Due south. beef rose, increasing 73 pct in volume (to 99.5 million pounds) and 78 per centum in value (to $405.8 million). Demand is especially stiff in the Korean retail sector, where consumer confidence in the quality and prophylactic of U.S. beef continued to gain momentum. Korea's imports of U.S. beef are now subject field to a 21.3 percent tariff, downwardly from 24 per centum in 2017 and well beneath the 40 pct charge per unit in result prior to implementation of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS). The tariff rate is scheduled to decline to nothing by 2026.
  • Mexico remained the second-largest volume market place (524.6 million pounds, down 2 percent from 2016) and third-largest in value ($979.7 million, up slightly). It is an specially important market for U.South. beef shoulder clods, rounds and diverseness meat.
  • Exports to Taiwan set a new value record, increasing thirteen percent from a year ago to $409.vii million. Volume was up two percent to 98.8 one thousand thousand pounds. U.S. beefiness holds 72 percent of Taiwan's chilled beefiness market, the highest share of any Asian destination. Taiwan is a key market for secondary beef cuts such as the clod, heart, petite tender and top sirloin cap.
  • Demand in Hong Kong rebounded from a dull get-go to post a strong performance in 2017, increasing 16 percent in book (288.2 1000000 pounds) and 29 percent in value ($884.1 one thousand thousand). After China's mid-year lifting of its ban on U.S. beef, exports to Cathay totaled 6.vii one thousand thousand pounds valued at $31 1000000. While eligible supplies remain limited due to China's import restrictions, the market holds significant growth potential and is already 1 of the highest value markets for U.South. beefiness on a per-pound footing.
  • Record exports to the Philippines and Singapore and potent growth in Indonesia and Vietnam pushed up export volume to the Association of southeast asian nations region by 37 percent to 90.iii million pounds, while value climbed 34 percent to $210.9 one thousand thousand.
  • Strong performances in Chile, Peru and Republic of colombia led the fashion for U.S. beef in South America, where consign volume increased 24 percentage to 62.six million pounds and value was up 23 percentage to $114.8 million. Shipments to Brazil, which resumed in April after a thirteen-year absence, totaled 4.five million pounds valued at $7.4 million.
  • Led by stiff beefiness liver demand in South Africa, exports to Africa increased 78 percent in volume (to 48.5 1000000 pounds) and 74 per centum in value (to $22 million). Since reopening to U.Southward. beef in 2016, S Africa has emerged as the sixth-largest destination for U.S. beef diverseness meat and 2d-largest for livers.
    The to a higher place data was released by USDA and compiled by the U.Due south. Meat Consign Federation (USMEF), sub-contractor to the beefiness checkoff. Complete 2017 consign results for U.S. beef are available on USMEF's statistics spider web page. Monthly charts for U.Due south. beefiness exports are likewise available online.

If you lot have questions, delight contact Joe Schuele at or phone call 303-226-7309.


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